Evento realizzato anche con i fondi della L. R. n.4 2007
“Norme per la tutela del patrimonio speleologico delle are carsiche e per lo sviluppo della speleologia"

G. Francesco Ficetola
Dr. G. Francesco Ficetola is a researcher with a multidisciplinary background in both modelling and genetics. He tries to combine these two approaches to better understand how environmental systems change, which factors determine their modifications, and which are the consequences across multiple spatial and temporal scales. His main research lines include: 1) Studying the factors that determine the biodiversity of amphibians and reptiles at broad spatial scale (e.g. macroecological biogeographical); 2) Evaluating how evolutionary processes can be integrated into macroecological analyses; 3) Improving our understanding of biological invasions of amphibians and reptiles, and of their impact on native species; 4) Identifying strategies for amphibian conservation at the local, landscape and national scales scale. He says "When I was 10 years old, newts saved my life, therefore amphibian conservation is a major commitment for me". 5) Using Environmental DNA from extracted from soil, water and from ancient sediments for the study of impact of human activities on present and past biodiversity.
His interest in biospeleology mostly focuses on amphibians in underground habitats. He works on the biogeography and ecology of European plethodontid salamanders, trying to unravel the complex factors that determine their distribution, in collaboration with many friends of the Sardinian Speleological Federation. Furthermore, he is interested on the local adaptations of amphibians breeding in caves.