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Evento realizzato anche con i fondi della L. R. n.4 2007
“Norme per la tutela del patrimonio speleologico delle are carsiche e per lo sviluppo della speleologia"

Fabio Stoch
Dr. Fabio Stoch has broad research interests in biogeography, phylogeny and taxonomy of several groundwater crustacean taxa studied as model organisms to test in caves and springs broad theories on species diversity and distribution. Among the main past activities can be mentioned: participation as project leader to the Italian national project "Checklist and distribution of 10,000 terrestrial and inland water species", including most of cave fauna species, and the regional projects "Database organization and monitoring of cave fauna of the Classic Karst" and "Biological monitoring of groundwaters of Monte Albo"; participation to international projects on groundwater and cave fauna (EU Project PASCALIS as workpackage leader for indicator analysis in groundwaters, EU Project PESI as Italian Focal Point manager of databases, EU project AQUALIFE as taxonomist for subterranean Isopoda and Amphipoda, EU project BIOFRESH as taxonomist for assembling the European Groundwater Crustacean Database - EGCD, Biospeologica Dinarica Project 2012 as workpackage leader for assembling type localities of cave species). He is member of the Cave Invertebrate Specialist Group of the IUCN Species Survival Commission. Recent research focuses on karstic spring ecology (in collaboration with University of L'Aquila), molecular phylogeny and morphotaxonomy of Isopoda Aselloidea (University of Lyon), Isopoda Sphaeromatidae (University of Ljubljana) and Amphipoda (Université Libre de Bruxelles, where he is associated at the Evolutionary Biology & Ecology section). During his research, he visited and sampled groundwater fauna in over 600 different caves, especially in Italy, but also in France, Austria, Hungary, Poland, Slovenia, Croatia, and Greece.
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