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Evento realizzato anche con i fondi della L. R. n.4 2007
“Norme per la tutela del patrimonio speleologico delle are carsiche e per lo sviluppo della speleologia"

How to submit an article
All participant who presented an abstract at the Biospeleology Congress are invited to submit their full article to the journal Subterranean Biology.
Articles, written only in English, will undergo to peer review process performed by the Journal and if accepted will be published in a special issue which gather studies presented at Biospeleology Congress.
Articles must be formatted following the instructions of the Journal (link).
The articles must be sent to the Journal after the end of the Congress. The submission time will consist of 20 day, from 10 April to 30 April.
Any question? Don't hesitate to contact us!
Special issue of Subterranean biology will be published online, however there is the opportunity to order printed version of the issue. For further information click here
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